Air freight volumetric (chargeable weight) calculator
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Air Freight chargeable weight calculation explained

  • 6000 cubic centimetres per kg (0.006 cubic meters per kg).
  • 366 cubic inches per kg.
  • 166 cubic inches per lbs (pound).


Example: Volumetric calculation

1 pallet = 140 x 100 x 90 cm

Calculating Actual Volume: 1.4m x 1.0m x 0.9m = 1.26 cubic meters

Calculating Volumetric Weight: 1.26 cubic meters divided by 0.006 (cubic meters per kg) = 210 kg. This will become the volumetric weight of the shipment in kilograms.

If the actual weight of the pallet is 150 kgs, the Air Freight will be charged against the volumetric weight (210 kg).

If the pallet’s actual weight is 260 kgs, the Air Freight will be charged against the actual weight of the shipment.